Back on the road, I feel a strange hitch under my skin that makes me move from place to place, unsettled, on my way north, and south, towards all directions at the same time, I just can’t tell anymore... After a while I decide to follow my disorientation and leave the south, heading first towards the sea, after all I’ve always found its water relaxing. I drown my nostalgia in the winding earth’s boarder, drawn bellow by the sea, while the speeding bus contours the dunes, winding up the road. Along the way I stop. I stop here and there, in no men land, or in the land of men other than me. I stop in villages made of fish and boats, and in the land of the ‘Nazcas’ as well, where I find in their strange lines the answer to no question. I linger in the capital Lima, lady of all shades of grey, where I find the music, the noise, the mess, and from where the greyness of the sky expels me slowly, swiftly. I resume my way north, through the land of ‘Moches’ and 'Chimús', people of many tombs and pyramids built with mud and sand, lords of a land of too much dust and all shades of yellow, of scrumptious ‘ceviches’ and of more beach and more curves and more road. "Lambayeque, Lambayeque!", is shouted to exhaustion in the ‘combi’ that brings me to the eternally lord of the lands of Sipán, these lands I travel up languidly, on my way north, “What about the South?”, on my way to so many directions, too many, making me doubt if I’m still following any. In the end I’m following just one and I’m not sure where it is taking me... But I keep going up, heading up north. After all the weather gets warmer further ahead, in the north, and it feels good to have the sun burning my skin once more.
Chiclayo, Peru, September 2009
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