I arrived to Jeri very tired, secluded from myself, due more to mental than to physical fatigue. When I got there I found curious eyes, arms wide open, smiles that opened up at the speed I opened my own, at the speed friendship grew. Food and caipirinha seasoned this ancient recipe I seemed to have forgotten about, or that I insisted in forgetting about... The friends I made in Jeri will forever be in my heart and mind because of the huge saudade that Jeri means. While in Jeri I tried fruitlessly to explain this Portuguese word, but saudade simply means Jeri, this feeling of wanting to be somewhere, having been there, knowing we will forever be there inside our hearts, with the same people, even if we never go back to that place again. Saudade is this certainty of forever being in a magical place and smiling just because we can remember about it, with a slight feeling of sadness because we cannot stay there forever.
That’s what Jeri is, or at least that’s what it was to me: a huge mix of feelings intermingled with caipirinhas, frenetic capoeira circles, magical moments on the dune watching the moon set, endless hours discovering myself and one of the most marvelous groups of people that ever crossed my way. Because of all this, to me Jeri is and will always be simply Jeri.
Somewhere in the Northeast, Brazil, February 2009
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